<description id="extensionDescription">Want to enhance the default tabs look? Here we have ColorfulTabs for a change. Not only it colors your tabs, it also helps you identify the numerous tabs that are open in the browser at any given time :-) </description>
<description id="extensionDescription1">The most beautiful yet the simplest add-on that makes a lot of sense. Colors every tab in a different color and makes it easy to identify while beautifying the overall appeal of the interface. An essential.
More updates and changes coming soon.</description>
<description id="extContri0" style="color:#880000;">You. Each and everyone of millions of fans of this extension who have bugged :) and hugged me for my work and have inspired me to keep up my work. I can't do without you."</description>
<description id="extContri1" class="link" onclick="window.opener.open('http://ted.mielczarek.org/code/mozilla/extensiondev/', '_blank')" >Ted Mielczarek, author of Extension Developer's Extension, which takes care of the most important and basic routines of extension creation. I can't thank him enough."</description>
<description id="extContri4" class="link" onclick="window.opener.open('https://addons.mozilla.org/', '_blank')" >All the extension authors for their code pieces as I've learnt extension development toying around with their pieces of code (in every version:).</description>
<label style="color:red" id="beta" class="link" tooltiptext="Get the test version (may be unsafe)." onclick="window.opener.open('http://www.binaryturf.com/', '_blank')">Get Beta</label>
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